Is cannot one word or two words
Is cannot one word or two words

is cannot one word or two words

CANNOT - (15c): can not - cannot but or cannot help but also cannot help : to be unable to do ….GIVE - vb gave giv.en [ME, of Scand origin akin to OSw giva to give akin to OE ….

is cannot one word or two words

Usage Both the one-word form ~ and the two-word form can not are acceptable, but ~ …

is cannot one word or two words

CANNOT - am, is, or are, not able — written either as one word or two.WORD - noun verbal contention ) Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin akin to ….Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary ˈwərd noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English akin to Old High German wort word, Latin verbum, Greek eirein … CANNOT - /kan"ot, ka not", keuh-/, v.Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that … Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary CANNOT - Am, is, or are, not able - written either as one word or two.CANNOT - () Am, is, or are, not able - written either as one word or two.CANNOT - ˈka(ˌ)nät, kəˈnät, kaˈnät, ˈkanət, ˈka(n)ˈnät, usu -d.+V Etymology: Middle English, from can (I) + not : can not.ˈgiv verb ( gave ˈgāv or nonstandard give ˈgiv or dialect gin ˈgin or guv ˈgəv … Webster's New International English Dictionary ˈwərd, ˈwə̄d, ˈwəid noun ( -s ) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English akin to Old … More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «WORD CANNOT GIVE» in dictionaries. English-Russian dictionary of computers.

Is cannot one word or two words